
Training for Cadre in Kaligintung Village

Training for Village Cadre in Kaligintung Village
Sub-district of Temon, District of Kulonprogo,
Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.
May 2022 

Training for village cadres or caregiver in basic knowledge and skills about People with Mental Disorder (PwDM). Who is village cadre or caregiver. Cadres are village people who have choosen by community and village goverment through local forum, to be and active one to serve the community in any village activities or programs. Most cadres are women cause the program mostly in theme about health, nutrition, women epowerment, etc. In one village about 15 to 20 cadres event more in large village. Caregiver is a person who take care of PwMD dailly, wether he/she is family member or not (neighbor).

Foto above is training for cadre in Kaligintung Village at May 2022. The training
ateending by 19 women cadres.

So....cadres and caregiver are frontier that most strategic part to carry, hadle, educate, motivate, give basic therapy, do home visit to PwMD and the family. Ofcourse not all cadres are actively person. Most of them are peasant, or have small shop, teacher, trader in local market, even just housewife with no side job.

Exercise to start the training. The training done in a mix methodes:
tutorial, dialog/discussion, group work, practices, sharing experience. Most NGO
called it "participatory training approach". The importants are the cadres look happy,
enjoy, not borring, and still get some thing new for their knowledge and skills.

After some teoritically session about who is PwMD, daydream, anggry, ancienty
traits, etc...then how to handle PwMD in practic if they rampage. Facilitator
give exercise and explanation, most participants hav eto participate.

Documentation in short video: